

  • record TPD as an approver for ARCP
  • new top level ARCPs view for ARCP approvers (e.g TPD)
  • [#198] added o/s task for approvers on dashboard for ARCP's they can approve


  • improvements to 'view all trainees' page
  • improvements to 'view supervisors' page
  • [#210] revert ability to see portfolio summary cardd for archived portfolios


  • formatting issue with videos on homepage
  • restore ability to view supervisor requests sent
  • [#193] error when attempting to delete a coverage using the sidebar popover
  • [#225] display issue with top level menu wrapping on smaller screens
  • [#215] issue submitting forms with the new profile-linked 'position' field
  • [#219] issue when attempting to select 'other' position on profile