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- issue where updating ARCP's would sometimes not update the index correctly
- permissions issue preventing ARCP forms being resubmitted
- draft document can be saved without validating
- title from 'new evidence' not copying correctly to document title
- mismatched formatting of dates on career history entries
- issue where removing a link from a PDP would leave an activity mapping as via PDP instead of converting to Direct
- improved layout of MSF feedback pdf so that text does not crop mid line
- rare issue preventing 'save changes' button from displaying on firms
- issues where some form actions were not displaying on certain forms
- issue where mapping scope was not set correctly when mapping evidence via a PDP item
- issues affecting the generation of pdf's for PDP items
- error when "Clinical Experience" selector contains case log with no start date
- error preventing guest users from create a new WPBA form
- issue where form details were not correctly propogating to user's profile
- issue where only first 10 ARCP reviews displayed when viewing a panel date
- error when entering a very long synopsis
- issue where SLE's based on CAP curriculum were not showing ILO(h) options
- ARCP index screen uses new search/sort panel
- form status field to better match status of underlying object
- create/edit document page to behave like forms page
- only show frameworks that correspond to the programme's a user has portfolios for
- improved formatting of supervisor relation screens
- 'Re-Submit' button for forms that have been previously submitted, and subsequently re-opened for editing
- show flag on archived portfolios
- allow MSF feedback to be viewed by users with correct management role
- available categories for an activity are now based on the portfolio the activity is contained in
- search ARCP's by trainee name
- add 'submit' option to the private activity message
- added controls to work with forms directly to show form page
- option to print PDP items
- show mapped evidence on PDP items
- recaptcha on password reset and registration pages
- added more options to directly manage coverages on an activity