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- warning when attempting to navigate away from unsaved form
- ability to sort by date of creation
- filter for current/completed PDP
- show recommendations from ARCP outcome form on ARCP card
- demographic information to profile for populating form-R
- defaults to next training level when creating a new training year
- defaults to portfolio specialties when creating a new training folder
- do not allow future completed date for pdp items
- cleaned up specialty drop down to remove invalid dual-CCT combinations
- only allow GMC approved CCT specialties
- issue preventing exam results displaying for some portfolios
- issue preventing user details update
- permissions issue preventing editing Mini-PAT activities
- minor formatting issues
- issue where missing object could cause redirect loop on dashboard
- issue causing an error when viewing some completed forms
- issue causing an error when attempting to submit an invalid form, if the form also links competency coverages
- issue causing an error when viewing change history for document
- issue where completed MSF forms have no date specified
- sort by name on activities
- remove duplicated "new review" button