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- icon to indicate where a form field automatically updates corresponding profile information
- [#45] allow assessors to view synopsis and/or csae logs attached to the WPBA they are completing
- [RCPsych] Added SAPA Form
- issue preventing upload new profile picture
- portfolio advisor messages not displaying correctly on some screens
- redirect error when a supervisor ended trainee relationship from within the trainee portfolio
- remove "View" button from competency popover to prevent accidental navigation away from forms
- issue where searching for case log did not consider description
- issue where dynamic ESR would not handle older curricula with top level mappable ILO and mappable child competencies
- minor formatting issue with rating scales, increased text size for legibility on mobile devices
- issue preventing some evidence being viewed from the curriculum coverage page
- workaround issue where windows sends wrong content-type for file uploads
- [#74] issue assessor was also shown evidence fields when editing a re-opened WPBA preventing them from re-submitting
- [#75] issue preventing re-opened WPBA being resubmitted due to mandatory section
- [#76] fix issue where MSF does not show when no cohort means are present
- [#77] fix an issue where mandatory section/category was effecting ability to approve forms
- [#78][#79][#88] fixed several related issues where moving activities between portfolios would not always work correctly
- [#80] fix an issue where mandatory section caused an error when submitting a draft document
- [#81] fix an issue where case log description did not render html entities correctly
- [#82] fix an issue where new competency mappings were not updating coverage screen in a timely fashion
- [#83] fix a regression preventing unmapping of competencies
- [#85] fix an error when viewing forms that use an invalid proforma (no tool)
- [#86] fix an issue where forms that had no formable caused an error
- [#87] fix an issue where orphan forms remained after activities were deleted
- [FOM] error when creating a new folder
- do not persist filters between sessions
- [FOM] region now attribute of portfolio
- added more context to results when searching for case log to link