Maintenance Release 2.0.4


  • error when supervisor attempted to view an activity with uploads
  • permissions issue when HOS/DA/Reviewer tried to view attachments on an activity
  • error when editing portfolio details
  • do not allow sending of expired nominations
  • issue where manage tags screen was not displaying all of a user's custom tags
  • error viewing old supervisor report forms
  • error when updating a MSF if no fields were submitted
  • only show an activity once in competency coverage if it has been mapped both directly & via the PDP
  • issue where new folder start_date would always revert to current date
  • issue where a cached blank form would show the wrong proforma
  • issue where cohort means did not include most recent data
  • issue during setup where the portfolio type could not be set
  • issue when a form could not be saved due to an error, some fields would sometimes revert to empty
  • issue where curriculum coverage would sometimes show activities that have been deleted
  • issue where the names of reports linked to ARCP outcome forms was not displaying correctly
  • issue where the names of reports in the 'recently viewed' panel was not showing
  • issue where the GMC number was not pre-filling automatically on certain forms
  • issue where followup WPBA/review would not correctly link if mandatory fields were not filled in first time
  • fixed followup learning objective option to work correctly


  • order Learning Objectives in PDP on dashboard by target date
  • do not allow gmc field to be edited once it has been filled in
  • improved mini-pat nomination handling for assessor forms
  • grey out disabled form elements
  • redirect to edit page when creating a WPBA/report
  • improved 'not started' message to explain multiuser forms need to be submitted before sending the request
  • improved user search fuzzy matching
  • add system default tags to 'manage tags'
  • hint on portfolio start date
  • allow PDP item completed date to be specified/edited
  • consistently display leading zeros in date ranges of form

  • only show email autocomplete when a single address is returned
  • show the full ancestry for an activity in the followup chart


  • require confirmation before deleting uploads
  • require confirmation before deleting comments
  • dynamic L1 supervisor report based on framework
  • 'retry' option to nominations that do not send within 5 minutes
  • display number of activities mapped through a PDP item in summary view
  • show the full ancestry of a competency on the coverages popover list
  • allow existing activities to be added as followups
  • allow followups to be removed from their parent

Maintenance Release 2.0.3


  • issue where updating ARCP's would sometimes not update the index correctly
  • permissions issue preventing ARCP forms being resubmitted
  • draft document can be saved without validating
  • title from 'new evidence' not copying correctly to document title
  • mismatched formatting of dates on career history entries
  • issue where removing a link from a PDP would leave an activity mapping as via PDP instead of converting to Direct
  • improved layout of MSF feedback pdf so that text does not crop mid line
  • rare issue preventing 'save changes' button from displaying on firms
  • issues where some form actions were not displaying on certain forms
  • issue where mapping scope was not set correctly when mapping evidence via a PDP item
  • issues affecting the generation of pdf's for PDP items
  • error when "Clinical Experience" selector contains case log with no start date
  • error preventing guest users from create a new WPBA form
  • issue where form details were not correctly propogating to user's profile
  • issue where only first 10 ARCP reviews displayed when viewing a panel date
  • error when entering a very long synopsis
  • issue where SLE's based on CAP curriculum were not showing ILO(h) options


  • ARCP index screen uses new search/sort panel
  • form status field to better match status of underlying object
  • create/edit document page to behave like forms page
  • only show frameworks that correspond to the programme's a user has portfolios for
  • improved formatting of supervisor relation screens
  • 'Re-Submit' button for forms that have been previously submitted, and subsequently re-opened for editing
  • show flag on archived portfolios
  • allow MSF feedback to be viewed by users with correct management role
  • available categories for an activity are now based on the portfolio the activity is contained in


  • search ARCP's by trainee name
  • add 'submit' option to the private activity message
  • added controls to work with forms directly to show form page
  • option to print PDP items
  • show mapped evidence on PDP items
  • recaptcha on password reset and registration pages
  • added more options to directly manage coverages on an activity

Maintenance Release 2.0.2


  • error when some users tried to view career history
  • error when trying to edit a portfolio that did not have a trust specified
  • issue preventing ARCP filters from displaying
  • error when viewing a portfolio where trust has not been specified
  • issue preventing generation of pdf's for some activities
  • removed ability for users to delete comments made by other users
  • issue preventing reviewers from viewing the school section
  • error when displaying outcome forms when panelists have been subsequently deleted
  • issue where invalid document was not displaying
  • issue preventing PDP coverage from showing all activities mapped
  • issue where labels were not displaying correctly for some activities on the coverage pages
  • issue where labels were not displaying correctly for recent activities
  • issue that would cause a recurring error when a management nomination had been deleted
  • error checking permissions for archived portfolio
  • issue preventing Deanery Admins from deleting ARCPs
  • error when trying to edit a drafted MSF self-form
  • issue causing incorrect options to be displayed in the 'level at next rotation' dropdown on ARCP outcome forms
  • issue where a "one of a group of elements must be checked" form validation was not correctly checking values
  • issue where expired nominations could sometimes still display amongst a user's outstanding tasks
  • error when trying to delete some activities
  • intermittent error when viewing dashboard if user has been nominated for a supervisor/management role
  • error when attempting to create a new PDP item/career entry in a new browser tab instead of using the modal dialogue
  • issue affecting the leadership form causing one of the responses not to display correctly when viewing a saved form
  • issue where the 'select level' dropdown would not contain all allowable values
  • error when trying to view ARCP outcome forms using a prior revision of the proforma
  • error when trying to add new reviewers to a school
  • issue causing new trainee registrations to silently fail
  • intermittent error when updating portfolio details
  • issue where the activity date would not correctly reflect the date of assessment for WPBAs/Reviews
  • issue where IE8 would not correctly load the required javascript libraries
  • multiple layout issues in IE8
  • issue which would causes excessive resource usage, leading to degraded site performance
  • error where a WPBA request would sometimes show on a user dashboard before the trainee sent the request
  • issue preventing input of a "reason" when the N13 code was selected for No Outcome on ARCP outcome forms
  • issue that would cause password reset to silently fail if the user record was invalid
  • issue preventing user account merge
  • issue where WPBA status would incorrectly show 'being revised' when a form had not previously been submitted
  • issue where a nomination would sometimes not be considered to have expired
  • issue where "Nomination Rejected" email had an incorrect subject
  • permissions issue when viewing portfolio folders
  • issue that would sometimes prevent submission of MSF self form
  • issue where the coverage page would incorrectly show knowledge/skills/attitudes for some competencies inline
  • permissions issue preventing reviewers from editing ARCP outcome forms that had been created by a different users
  • issue where 'select specialty' would sometimes not show all available specialties
  • permissions issue preventing some users editing ARCP outcome forms that had been re-opened
  • issue where the selected level for a career entry would sometimes not display when viewing the form
  • permissions error when managing school reviewers
  • error when a user did not specify all the required fields when creating an assessment
  • issue where removing an ARCP would not remove the associated outcome form
  • issue preventing printing of ARCP outcome forms
  • issue where creating an activity with no title would automatically select a 'Case Log' proforma
  • formatting & typos in some ARCP status messages
  • issue where 'grade at next rotation' would not be highlighted if it was left blank when ARCP outcome form was submitted
  • issue where submitting a WPBA would sometimes create an activity when it should not and vice-versa
  • issue preventing automated 'outcome 6' emails being sent to the college
  • discrepancies in GA & Old Age curricula preventing a competency from being mapped/unmapped


  • re-enabled PDP coverage page
  • do not allow users to edit portfolio type to be changed once it is set
  • do not allow users to delete a portfolio
  • removed spurious fields from 'edit profile' screen
  • temporarily disable SSO functions until college membership database is upgraded
  • disabled responsive layout in IE8
  • redirect back to PDP after editing
  • improved formatting on PDP page
  • make 'case log' label on WPBA's into a dynamic link that shows the case log in a modal window
  • consider future dated PDP items as current? when mapping activities
  • include the activity 'type' as part of scope when searching activities
  • improved formatting/layout and content of the headers on forms, activities, WPBA's etc
  • improvements to pdf generation for submitted forms
  • various additions to searching and filtering of assessments, activities, reviews etc
  • layout improvements to profile page
  • better handling of errors when uploading profile picture
  • order portfolios on profile page by start date
  • better handling of errors when creating a new review
  • automatically default the proforma for PDP items/career entry
  • clinical experience dropdown changed to select box to allow all case logs to be displayed
  • only show 'current' schools in menu
  • relabel 'submit' as 're-submit' when resubmitting a form
  • make the 'No Clinical Experience' label link directly to 'Edit WPBA'
  • only show first item in PO Feed on homepage
  • allow numbers on ratings tables as a configurable option per proforma
  • support links in help menu now direct to


  • allow printing of reviews from the portfolio -> reviews page
  • allow trainees to view archived portfolios from profile page
  • multiple I18n internationalisation translations added
  • portfolio management tools added for administrative users
  • support for multi-user forms
  • form element to allow selection of specific framework competencies that automatically generate coverage when form submitted
  • SLE pilot form
  • college announcements area to homepage
  • specify portfolio type when registering for a Psychiatry portfolio

Maintenance Release 2.0.1


  • issue preventing the reviews index page from displaying correctly
  • issue preventing some unregistered users completing a mini-pat form
  • issue causing submitted reports to appear as in progress
  • issue causing check box field submissions to be unrecognised
  • issue preventing some evidence fields from being edited
  • issue preventing supervisor report requests from sending immediately
  • issue preventing some PDP items from appearing on trainee dashboard
  • issue preventing trainee portfolios from displaying in programme management view
  • issue preventing assessment date from being edited
  • issue preventing unregistered users from submitting a WPBA form without first having to save
  • error when viewing ARCP where the trainee has not set a portfolio type
  • error when viewing specialty training post form
  • error when trying to edit an msf self form
  • error when viewing a report form
  • error when viewing an arcp outcome form
  • error when trying to archive a PDP item
  • error when trying to edit an MSF activity


  • evidence edit button on index page
  • evidence delete button on index page
  • display supervisor name on completed report forms
  • delete review option


  • career history updated to use new card format

Release 2.0.0

Major Enhancements

  • Filtering, searching and sorting portfolio contents
  • Dynamic filters can now be used on the new curriculum coverage view
  • Introduced school/programme management sections for future reporting needs
  • Improved support for multiple portfolio types Specialty Training, CESR, Liason Credentialing etc
  • Redesigned navigation to provide consistency when viewing other people's portfolios
  • New 'assessment engine' provides advanced features for completing forms by multiple people and generation of dynamic form fields
  • New visualisation showing competency coverage for activity folders
  • Trainee screens use visualisation to show coverage for current and past folders.
  • Supervisor dashboard uses new visualisation to show coverage for their trainees current folders.


  • allow containing folder(s) to be specified when creating evidence
  • allow attachment to be specified when creating evidence
  • allow multiple attachments to be uploaded at the same time
  • provide a synopsis on WPBA's to give assessor context
  • all activities can be given custom titles

Maintenance Release 1.2.12


  • revise completed ARCP's and retain audit trail
  • warning for trainee on ARCP outcome form activity when revision of form is underway


  • updated form revisions screen to include data about the revision within the body of the form


  • issue that prevented some types of supervision forms from printing
  • issue that caused only first page of multi page forms to print
  • form revision history sometimes showing incorrect date time for updates
  • issue where dynamically updating forms would not reinitialise some parts of the dynamic functionality after initial update
  • issue preventing signing off an ARCP outcome form for a second time that has been revised after signing of previously
  • issue where date not showing on new activities

Maintenance Release 1.2.11


  • warning when selecting no trainees trying to schedule multiple ARCPs
  • add programme management panel to dashboard for programme admins
  • programme switcher
  • exams import
  • candidate numbers import
  • show the name of the person who submitted a form on the pdf version of the form
  • show the date/time of form submisson on the pdf version of a form
  • allow tagging/categorisation of WPBAs
  • provide a means of labelling WPBAs to differentiate them


  • issue where attempting to edit competnecy mappings would sometimes cause an error
  • a rare issue with redirects on multi page form
  • a rare issue where creating an assessment might generate an error if a previous attempt had been invalid
  • issue where releasing feedback would sometimes not remove the outstanding task from a supervisor's dashboard
  • issue which was causing the ARCP outcome 6 motification to fail to send
  • issue where attempting to edit competnecy mappings would sometimes cause an error
  • fix a rare issue with redirects on multi page form
  • fix a rare issue where creating an assessment might generate an error if a previous attempt had been invalid
  • issue where importing files would sometimes display the incorrect status
  • issue where trainees wwere not displaying on DA dashboard
  • issue where archived PDPs were not displaying


  • prevent setup wizard from sometimes being triggered when merging accounts
  • prevent invalidation of password sometimes being triggered when merging accounts
  • scope trainees, ARCP overview pages by programme
  • merge file import moved to dashboard
  • general improvements to import functions
  • in progress mini-pat box on profile now includes 'not released'
  • improvements to user search: partial email matches, more weight to GMC and rcpsych membership number
  • general improvements to the layout of the assessments/activities tables

Maintenance Release 1.2.10


  • automatically email college when outcome 6 is awarded
  • additional form validation logic for multiple field checkboxes and field comparison
  • generate cohort means for mini-pat scoped by school and level, and allow selection of cohort when viewing feedback


  • filter programme specific attributes from portfolio edit screen (GMC TPAN,NTN/DRN and CCT_DATE)
  • issue causing an error during the account setup procedure
  • error when viewing individual trust details
  • issue where a DA could not create an outcome form if they were also registered as an ARCP reviewer
  • issue where an activity that had its related object deleted would cause the activities index to raise an error
  • error when viewing a trainee relationship record
  • issue where using back/forward or opening multiple windows could interreupt creation of new form and cause it to fail
  • error when trying to view dashboard with a scheduled ARCP after portfolio has been archived
  • issue where excessive tagging could lead to innacurate counts being displayed
  • dispaly issue where arcp outcome was showing as a code instead of human readable text on reviewer dashboard
  • issue where a new specialty trainign form could not be created
  • issue preventing some specialty training forms from displaying due to a change in data format
  • error when viewing certain folder contents
  • issue where ARCP's completed using an older outcome form proforma were incorrectly reporting their status as scheduled
  • fixed a typo on the ARCP scheduled message
  • issue where supervisors name would sometimes show instead of trainees name on L2 report
  • issue where generating collated feedback would adversely affect database performance
  • issue where a supervisor could not register a new account using a supervisor nomination link
  • issue causing expired mini-pat requests to appear as an outstandng task on the dashboard


  • allow assessment tools to be deprecated
  • allow scheduling of revisions to proforma templates
  • make 'New Followup' dropdowns consistent
  • updated ARCP outcome form to latest revision

Maintenance Release 1.2.9


  • credentialing pilot programme


  • race condition that could cause assessments to remain in the index after being destroyed, affecting assessment totals
  • error when recently viewed items tried to display a private form
  • error when viewing supervisor relationship
  • error when editing user profile with no role specified
  • prevent more than one MSF being created at the same time
  • error when searching for a user
  • typo on edit activity screen
  • issue where permissions to finish a role/relationship were not being correctly checked