Maintenance Release 1.2.8


  • filtering by school/specialties on programme overview
  • category filter now displays all categories even if there are no activities assigned
  • automatic categorisation of some evidence types (eg Career Entry => Mandatory)
  • inline help and guidance on category and tag inputs, with links to knowledge base


  • issue where pdp coverage would sometimes not update correctly after mapping evidence to a pdp
  • issue where trusts were not displaying correctly on career entries
  • category filter now orders category in correct numerical order
  • issue preventing removal of reviewers from panels


  • ARCP status codes revised
  • updated categaries to match the methods of teaching and learning in the curricula
  • improved layout of ARCP notifcation to remove duplicate infromation
  • automaticall order folders/posts by descending date on notification and ARCP view
  • improved the titles on the recently viewed item links
  • added the MSF deadline to the subject line in reminder emails

Maintenance Release 1.2.7


  • information/warning about career history shown in ARCP notification on trainee dashboards
  • allow supervisors to end relation with trainee


  • better handling of duplicate tags on activities
  • removed 'schedule ARCP' button from trainee's own dashboard
  • add indirect_supervision attribute to explicitly nominated supervisor roles (CT,ACT,PGD,TPD & Temporary Access)
  • remove outstanding MSF feedbacks from dashboard of supervisros with indirect_supervision roles
  • only show directly supervised tainees in trainees drop down menu
  • renamed 'panel members' as reviewers see: ‎


  • error when trying to create tags with apostrophe
  • error when DA attempted to create a supervisor relationship on behalf of trainee
  • issue where the ARCP index was using the current trainee school instead of the school that created the ARCP
  • issue where posts that had been deselected were still showing on ARCP outcome form
  • issue where documentation that had been deselected was still showing on ARCP outcome form

Maintenance Release 1.2.6


  • improved dashboard loading time


  • error when checking if a panelist could access an ARCP after the review date
  • error when users with school wide permissions tried to view dashboard
  • end date field was not showing for some proformas when it should be
  • removed f codes from non-clinical WPBA proform
  • assessment forms for ST1-3 trainees showing trainee's level as CT instead of ST
  • issue where trainees could delete a review or ARCP outcome via the created activity
  • prevent completion of self form after mini-pat ended
  • removed nominate option from completed msf
  • error viewing nomination logs for user when that user tried to access the system without cookies enabled
  • altered several ARCP permission's related to manageing forms for reviews that have already taken place for DA's and panel members
  • do not create new tags if the tag only differs in case

Maintenance Release 1.2.5


  • Created 'External Advisor' role for ARCP process


  • issue affecting background indexing of ARCP's that would cause them to appear under the wrong summary headings
  • issue where dynamically updateing forms would not correctly attach events to dynmic content preventing preventing form from updating subsequent times
  • do not allow sending reminder son mini-pat if mini-pat has not been started
  • propogate NTN/DRN, GMC TPAN, CCT Date from ARCP outcome form back to user's portfolio
  • issue where a cached view of competency mappings was shown when editing a different activities competency mappings
  • issue where ‘true’ was being propagated to users details from form instead of name
  • issue where current folder was not considered inside ARCP period if it started prior to the period
  • archiving a portfolio was ending relationships where the trainee was a supervisor and not realtionships where the trainee was the subject of supervision
  • issue where name was not propogating from assessor forms back to assessors profile
  • intermittent error when trying to display certain types of form where the form templates had not previously been specified
  • propogate school and trust from specialty training forms back to user's profile
  • issue where dynamic input field was not showing when the associated radio button was pre-checked
  • issue where the 'help' text was not displaying for radio group form elements
  • issue where programme administrator import files with zero rows caused an error


  • moved NTN/DRN and TPAN to portfolio details to handle multiple portfolios per user
  • message on nominations clarified to explain that nominees cannot be changed only their emails corrected
  • allow for selection of multiple N or U codes on ARCP outcome form

Maintenance Release 1.2.4



  • ARCP summary panel on Deanary Admin/HoS dashboard
  • warning about ARCP panel access on trainee's dashboard
  • new WPBA tool Leadership for piloting in West Midlands
  • show MSF nominations as queued for sending and dynamically update


  • 'object not found' when creating new activity document
  • prevent duplicate assessment/reviews if back button used to resubmit forms
  • permissions issue allowing trainees to deleted completed WPBA (also restored any that were deleted in error)
  • issue where dates were not displaying correctly when viewing completed forms
  • issue where levels were not displaying correctly when viewing completed ARCP outcome form
  • issue where previously checked specialties were not repopulating when editing an existing outcome form
  • improved formatting of ARCP outcome form (supervisor reports, alignment of checkbox responses)
  • issue where CCT date was defaulting to user's name
  • correctly validate required 'check_box' fields for at least one checked box
  • issue where certain required fields were not highlighted when form submitted with errors
  • corrected layout of 'panel date' screen


  • split pending arcp's into pending signoff / pending release
  • different first time help message for deanery admins
  • improved layout of DA dashboard added better context links to panels
  • allow 'review period' to be specified/edited prior to outcome form
  • created 'Pending Completion' status for ARCP for outcomes not acknowledge by trainee
  • prevent multiple outcome orms being created for same ARCP
  • include all ARCP status on DA dashboard summary

Maintenance Release 1.2.3



  • current PDP items with a future end date set not showing when mapping activities to competencies via PDP items
  • error when trying to start a new assessment on a trainee as an anonymous user
  • formatting on latest news
  • allow panel members to access ARCP outcome forms for sign off after ARCP review date
  • allow any panel members to modify outcome forms prior to sign off
  • formatting on view outcome form to line up tables with corresponding questions
  • problem with permission check for ARCP outcome form approvals
  • problem with permission check preventing Deanery Admin viewing some outcome forms
  • problem where arcp panel access limitations were blocking supervisor access
  • allow head of school to view ARCP panel details
  • issue where trainee's next scheduled ARCP was not being correctly shown on Deanery Admin dashboard
  • pdps not rendering correctly when viewing current pdp page
  • problem where two revisions were being recorded each time a form/document was saved


  • show trainees with upcoming ARCP on panel member's dashbaards
  • outcome form shows full title reason for N/U codes below outcome


  • improved format of MSF summary report to better differentiate differen assessors comments
  • more gracefully handle 404 errors
  • more gracefully handle object not found errors
  • line up 'no supervisor report' properly with training level on ARCP outcome form

Maintenance Release 1.2.2



  • automatically populate school/trust/level on new career entries based on profile data
  • display trust/school in user profile
  • allow viewing previous revisions of documents/forms
  • automatically prefill email when new user registering via confirmed nomination


  • group trusts by school in dropdown
  • general improvements rendering competencies/frameworks


  • typo 'Apraisal' on Non-Training folders
  • error when displaying panelist email on outcome form
  • rendering issue where competency popovers would not display correctly after a competency had been mapped/unmapped until page was refreshed
  • automatically end supervisor relationships when finishing your portfolio
  • xss vulnerability
  • permissions to view previous revisions of documents/forms were not assigned
  • error when viewing exam results for some trainees
  • removed suspension message from accounts where portfolio is archived
  • issue where a supervisor could not view a supervisor report completed by a different supervisor
  • email was not being added to account when existing user confirms a nomination to an unknown email
  • nominations to unknown emails were not being linked to corresponding account when unknown email was captured by an account via confirmation process

Maintenance release 1.2.1



  • speed up rendering competency popovers
  • allow current folder to be closed by providing end date
  • improved rendering of curriculum/competencies
  • improved consistency and rendering of form inputs
  • improved ARCP outcome form rendering where trainee information is missing or incomplete
  • improved ARCP outcome form rendering when No/Unsatisfactory outcomes


  • error when viewing legacy CAP 2009 curricula
  • error when viewing exam entries with nil date on past papers
  • correctly display exam results for Paper A/B
  • error when viewing old MSF Feedback reports with no cohort mean
  • permission problem for Deanery Admin nominating panel members
  • issue where some outcome forms would only show FY1/FY2 as options for 'level being assessed'
  • issue where specialty could not be selected if trainee information was missing

Release 1.2.0 – Improving Guidance

In this minor version release we have spent some time improving the links between Portfolio Online and the Knowledge Base in our Support Centre. This should help new users to find their way around the system, and may also be of benefit to existing users in increasing their understanding of how to get the best out of portfolio online.

Over the coming months we'll be adding more guidance, and working on producing more video tutorials.

This release also bundles a number of other minor fixes and enhancements.



  • backlink on guest navbar to trainee registration
  • handle future dating of portfolios/folders
  • outstanding tasks given additional options
  • ability to delete unwanted WPBA and Supervisor report from assessor/supervisor dashboard
  • notifications for assessor and trainee when deleting reports/WPBA
  • improved on screen feedback when scheduling multiple ARCPs
  • new review for recording supervision sessions
  • trainee can preview blank form for WPBA and Reviews



  • error when checking tainee permissions on msf
  • correctly show and hide N/U codes for the appropriate outcomes
  • correctly show dynamic elements on form initialisation
  • broken rcpsych signup link
  • dummy accounts script fixes

Maintenance Release 1.1.18



  • automatically update CT folders to core when selecting a specialty portfolio
  • enhance dropdowns for new assessments/reports to make it clearer
  • links to knowledge base on new assessments/reports screens
  • link to knowledge base on portfolio types and folders
  • link to knowledge base on PDP


  • inconsistencies displaying of assessment level vs trainee's level on MSF